End of the cycling season, and why I actually prefer walking

Last Sunday’s brief bike ride made it clear that the cycling season is largely over. One could definitely continue for a much longer time, but probably not us; we like cycle-adventuring much more than cycling itself, and the cold temperatures that are now upon us don’t allow for pleasant leisure-riding.

I’m not upset about this, to be honest, as I enjoy hiking more than I like cycling, overall. This is mainly because
1) when cycling we can’t really talk with one another, and
2) cycling doesn’t inspire creativity in the same way that walking does, likely because you’re travelling much faster and so you have to pay much more attention to what you’re doing, rather than being able to do some productive daydreaming and discussing things.

The other day I realized that we’ve gone on a hiking adventure every weekend since being back from the summer travels, so 9 consecutive weekend-hikes so far, and I’m really happy about this. I was, however, missing the casual walking in the woods that we did a lot of last year - and today, quite randomly, we went on one such walk that I really enjoyed. And so, it dawned on me that - weather permitting - the ideal set-up for the near future will be having Saturdays for local, easier-paced walks and Sundays for the further-from-home, sportive hikes that we have been doing.


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